Associated Faculty: Heather L. Corliss
Office: SP 100 / HH 114G | Phone: (619) 594-3470 | Email: [email protected]
I use public health and epidemiological research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods) to study health disparities adversely affecting LGBT populations. I have conducted research on a wide range of health-related experiences including childhood maltreatment, bullying, family relationships and social support, substance use, obesity, weight-related behaviors, homelessness, reproductive and sexual health, and mental health. I work on a large longitudinal cohort study of youth (the Growing Up Today Study) and a large longitudinal cohort study of women (the Nurses’ Health Study 2). I also use other large health surveys (for example, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey) to investigate LGBT health. I received a K01 Career Development Award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/NIH to study how sexual orientation is related to longitudinal trajectories of substance use and abuse occurring during adolescence and emerging adulthood. This work also identified individual, family, peer, and societal factors contributing to disparities in substance use found among LGB youth compared to their heterosexual peers. I recently received an R01 from NIDA to study sexual-orientation disparities in substance disorders in young adulthood. This grant is also investigating LGB youths’ experiences accessing substance treatment services as well as their experiences with substance treatment services. In another line of research, I am investigating lesbian and bisexual women’s disparities in incidence of type 2 diabetes and related risk factors (e.g., obesity, diet, physical inactivity). I am resubmitting a grant to NIH for this work and hoping it will be funded. I am in the process of relocating to SDSU and am excited about the possibility of new collaborations.
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